LEADS Overview Reply

The LEADS framework as developed by the contributing partnerships (see the history page for a detailed overview) is intended to be an integrated framework and we fully support this configuration. Our intent is not to disaggregate the framework, rather it is to respect and attribute the intellectual property and good work of the developers where appropriate and to provide courses, services and support for leaders to increase their capacity to lead in organizations and society. Here is our interpretation of the framework.

Deals with the personal dimension of leadership. Central to this domain is the ability to be aware of one’s own assumptions, values, principles, emotions, strengths and limitations. It encompasses the ability to take responsibility for one’s own performance and demonstrate emotional intelligence. Leaders need to demonstrate honesty, integrity, resilience, and ethical decision-making. This domain also stresses the need for leaders to continually seek opportunities and challenges for personal learning, character building and growth.

Deals with the social dimension of leadership. Central in this domain is the ability to demonstrate social intelligence by being able to understand and manage others. A critical aspect to social intelligence is communication skills, both interpersonal and organizational / system wide. Leaders support and challenge others to achieve professional and personal goals. They nurture environments where others have meaningful opportunities to contribute. Leaders also help to build and support teams by fostering collaboration and cooperation to achieve results.

Deals with the goal-oriented dimension of leadership. Central to this domain is articulating an inspiring vision by identifying, establishing and communicating clear and meaningful expectations and outcomes. Leaders strategically align their decisions with the organizational mission, vision, values, and evidence. They act in a manner consistent with the values of stakeholders. Leaders are involved in an ongoing process of measuring and evaluating outcomes. They hold themselves and others accountable for the results achieved against benchmarks and adapt accordingly.

Deals with the political dimension of leadership. Central to this domain is the ability to build partnerships and networks to achieve results. Leaders need to be politically astute and negotiate through conflict. In their interactions with others they nurture trust and model transparency. They facilitate collaboration, cooperation and coalitions among diverse groups and perspectives to improve service delivery and customer service. Leaders are able to gather intelligence, encourage open exchange of information, and use quality evidence to influence action across the system.

Deals with the change dimension of leadership. Central to this domain is the ability to think critically, analytically and conceptually. Leaders need to be able to question and challenge the status quo, to identify issues, solve problems and design and implement effective processes across systems and stakeholder groups. They create a climate of continuous improvement and innovation by scanning the environment for best ideas, practices, and emerging trends. Leaders are able to successfully implement and guide system-wide change processes.

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